萨米恩托博物馆 - PARANÁ DELTA Sarmiento House 是阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯蒂格雷北郊的国家历史纪念碑。这是阿根廷第七任总统多明戈·萨米恩托从 1855 年到 1888 年去世的故居。 它于 1966 年被宣布为国家历史古迹,现在是博物馆。 水晶笼中保存完好的房子。布景试图激发一种怀旧的氛围,与它假装吸引观众的玻璃信封形成鲜明对比。
Sarmiento House, a National Historic Monument in Tigre, Buenos Aires, Argentina, was the residence of Domingo Sarmiento, the 7th President of Argentina, from 1855 until his death in 1888. Declared a National Historic Monument in 1966, it now serves as a museum. The house is preserved in a crystal cage, creating a nostalgic atmosphere that contrasts with the glass envelope, intriguing the viewer.
Sarmiento Museum - Paraná Delta设计案例共包含12张设计素材(高清原图),属于建筑设计设计案例,本案例素材热度88。