2 Months 2018 Spring Personal Project Stove-mat The Stove-mat is designed for people who care about the most detailed cooking elements. Visually, moving a pot from a stovetop to the stove-mat is like moving to another stovetop without fire. Therefore, the shape of the stove-mat makes it the best place to put a scalding pot. 时长:两个月 时间:2018年春 设计:喻沐天 煤气灶隔热垫 将一种与锅底相契合的造型还原在了隔热垫上,完成了煤气灶隔热垫的设计。当锅底接触隔热垫时,使用者会发现锅底与凸起的造型在无意识中的联系。