二月主题布置 Decoration for Febuary 以Tiffany 蓝为底,搭上白色剪影与几何色块制造出悠闲又时尚的街景氛围,并依据客户的需求加上了水彩风格的狗与花朵点缀,凸显女性优雅特质。 To make the street view more fasionable, I chose a background based on Tiffany blue and white silhouette , and embellished with colored geometry . According to our customer's request, I added some dogs images painted in watercolor on the street, and used elegant flowers to make the female characteristics pop up.
Leah的独角兽派对 Unicorn theme table and background decoration for Leah's birthday party 以彩色独角兽与蓬蓬裙元素配置少女气息的独角兽派对。 Colorful unicorn background with tu-tu skirt table, let's celebrate Leah's 10th birthday!
星际奇航:致上宇宙般广阔的敬意 为了庆祝副董事长90岁大寿,我使用的灰色纱布搭配贵气又不失稳重气质的宝蓝色桌布,再搭配灯饰点缀其间,不对称的特殊抓皱。与一明一灭的星光使氛围更轻松又现代,让老人的祝寿派对更加年轻,也祝福副董能永保青春的精神态度。 To celebrate vice chairman's 90th birthday, I used silver grey tulle and blue fabric to decorate the table. And not to make the party too serious, I make unsymmetry fold on the fabric and put light balls under the tulle.
二月主題布置 - Tiffany 藍與白色剪影的街景氛圍设计案例共包含10张设计素材(高清原图),属于展览展示设计案例,本案例素材热度88。