COIN 4 / iPhone 4 / 4S 手机壳 由 YOW!design / 城市偏好设计
这款COIN 4手机壳专为iPhone 4和4S设计,由YOW!design团队打造,融合了都市时尚元素。它不仅提供了卓越的保护性能,还以其独特的设计风格为您的手机增添了一抹亮色。
「Coin 4 / iPhone 4 保护壳」用10元硬币就能找寻手机最适切的站立角度,犹如探索于交错的道路上,伫立于梦想的角落里。 Coin 4 / iPhone 4 case, take a ten NT dollar coin and insert indifferent gaps to find the most appropriate standing angle for the mobilephone upon your preference. On the crossing boulevard, explore theviews in every place, find the corner in your dream and stay there quietly. US$29.99
urban prefer像优游于城市中的旅人,在生活中旅行、各自有着自己的步伐、或轻或远。在不经意的时刻发现 urban prefer就存在于不同的生活空间,然后巧遇。有时宁静地停靠在桌面,有时与您一起出门走走。是不是偶尔也想找个港口,一个可以倚靠的地方休憩一下。 In the city, everyone's a traveler, whether of time or of transit, eachhaving the desire to explore, awaiting adventure, whether flying fromthis city to the next, or simply from this corner to the next. We all yearnto travel, maybe not something truly adventurous, but instead somethingsimple. This is how we define "urban prefer", a brand for the everydaytraveler.
COIN 4 / for iPhone 4 / 4S设计案例共包含12张设计素材(高清原图),属于产品设计设计案例,本案例素材热度88。