木蔭Mu house,一座融合了现代建筑风格与自然元素的住宅。它以简洁的线条和几何形状为特点,同时巧妙地利用木材和自然光线,营造出温馨而舒适的居住环境。这座住宅不仅展示了设计师对空间的巧妙利用,还体现了对自然环境的尊重和融合。
木荫 Mu house - 木の影 树木やその枝叶が日光を遮っているところ。 用木的温润、铁的轻盈、漆的质朴,四面围塑、上下堆叠,搭建成一座堡垒、打造一个完整却不拥挤的空间。缤纷的水磨石磁砖轻盈了氛围、弧形曲面的线条削匿了方正刚硬,整合的墙柜与留白的腹地,是给孩子们恣意玩耍和成长的基地,看似质朴无华却十分牢固稳健,刚强的结构经由圆滑的修饰,轻柔承托、保护着家人,成为大树下帮你遮阳挡雨的那片安闲空地。 Using the warmth of wood, the lightness of iron, and the simplicity of lacquer, the sculptures are surrounded on all sides and stacked up and down to build a fortress and create a complete but not crowded space. The colorful terrazzo tiles lighten the atmosphere, and the curved and curved lines hide the rigidity of the square. The integrated wall cabinet and the blank hinterland are the base for children to play and grow freely. , The strong structure is smoothly decorated, gently supports and protects the family, and becomes the comfortable space under the big tree to help you shade and protect from the rain. Interior design / 23Design Photography / HO_SE
木蔭Mu house:现代与自然的和谐共生设计案例共包含15张设计素材(高清原图),属于建筑设计设计案例,本案例素材热度88。