未来生活.个性遨游 A personalized future life
公寓住宅-住商合一的微型都会居所 本案为嘉和地产公司位于杭州的房地产接待会所,该公司长期致力于推出各种住宅物件,特别是名为「公寓」的新形态住宅。这是一种小面积、低单价,主打住商合一、共享生活而适合年轻人居住的住宅空间。设计团队在本地产案的前期设计规划中,为了让空间获取最大化的运用,大量采取了挑高设计:拉高的室内空间实际只销售单层面积的金额,而屋主却能区隔为上下两层,形成一个高自由度、满足复合机能的微型生活场域。这种在全球化发展脉络下因应城市居住需求产生的空间型态,为缺乏资金的年轻世代提供一种全新的住房解决方案。在公寓内他们得以透过「职住一体」的形式,使职业工作与住居生活在同一场域内完成,而大都会生活中兼顾极高的社会性与理想性。 Condominium: urban housing with the mix-use of residential and commercial This project is a reception center of Jiahe Real Estate in Hangzhou, which devoted a long time to developing residential properties, especially the new form of housing called “condominium” or “condo”. That is a small area, low unit price, and a residential space suitable for young people to live in, focusing on sharing the integration of residence and commercial. To maximize space usage, the design team adopted a high ceiling design in this real estate’s preliminary planning. The high-ceiling flat sells for only the same price as a general one while enabling the homeowner to divide it into double levels, forming a compact residence with high freedom and satisfying multiple functionalities. Such a spatial type that developed under the demand for urban living had offered brand new residential solutions for those younger who lack financial capacity. They can work and live in the same space in condos, ensuring high practicality and freedom within urban life.
闹中取静-市区喧闹之中的一分静谧 由于基地位处杭州繁忙的都会区、受到大量车流与吵杂人群的环境所围绕,因此在会所设计中,团队应用了合院式规划营造出暧昧的视觉提示。藉由迂回动线与建筑量体之间精心设计的开孔与间隙,创造出可漫步其中的沉静空间体验。在游走于连续不断的迂回动线中,参访者可以感受庭园内的花草植栽、仰望澄澈的天际,亦或是观赏池内的湛蓝水面。这些悉心安排的错落景致,让人们得以自外面的繁忙都会中,经历一段心境转折,进入这个闹中取静的净心之所。而这从喧嚣转为静谧的情境变换,竟颇有柳暗花明又一村的玩趣意味。 Breath: tranquility within the bustling city As the building lot located in Hangzhou CBD, surrounded by heavy traffic and noisy crowd, the design team implemented the courtyard style to create ambiguous visual cues in the reception center’s plan. Thus, a peaceful experience delivered while strolling by the winding trail and those well-designed gaps and holes between buildings. Walking down the winding trails, visitors can enjoy the greenish garden, clear sky, and limpid ponds. All these details allow people to relieve themselves from a busy urban life into a calm place. Such atmosphere change from intense to tranquil accidentally has an enjoyable feeling.
生活方式-个性化与人际互动的空间体验 接待会所主要用于推广首段谈及的公寓型住宅,这个微型住宅为年轻消费族群提供许多自主机会,具有多重可能性的空间型态使其无论是单纯用来居住、工作或是职住一体皆相当合适。且价格方面,相较于一般住宅又更加低廉,让购屋者有余裕展现个性化的生活方式。因应这样的设定,团队特别于会所内空出一块社交区域,除了作为洽谈区,也可举办手工艺课程、职人生活分享等多样化的住居生活讲座,并欢迎周边社区居民共同参与,服务邻里。这种多元的空间机能设定,让接待会所不再只是单纯的商业载体,同时也扮演了里民活动中心的功能,回归该地产企业特有的调性与诉求。 Lifestyle: a personalized and interactive spatial experience The reception center is mainly used to promote the condo mentioned in the first paragraph, a compact residence that offers the young opportunities for autonomy and multiple possibilities of living, working, or mix-using. More affordable than an ordinary house, giving the house-owner the flexibility to present their personalized lifestyle. In response to this characteristic, the team has set aside a social area to hold various seminars, workshops, and lectures besides meeting sessions. All these activities are open access to neighborhood residents and communities as goodwill and feedback. Eventually, the multi-functionality set the reception center to be more than a commercial carrier, but further acts as a community center, echoing real estate enterprise’s essences and aspirations.