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木白共舞轻缀黄.灶间再展新秀面 A culinary space playing between lights

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品味私厨-以料理空间打造的视觉与味觉的飨宴 当代人对美好生活的追求,逐渐从传统的物质层面拓及至精神层次,对日常质感的向往体现在个人五感经验的满足上,比方由视觉出发拓及至嗅觉与味觉的全新饮食体验,便是对新生活诠释的方法之一,讲求细致、小编制教学,着重交流互动的厨艺教室也在这样的背景下应运而生。本案位于台南市东区,为当地最热闹、繁华的市中心区域,以传统透天街屋构成的社区内,沿路遍布4-5公尺高的挺拔乔木,勾勒出青葱蓊郁,闹中取静的城市街景。由年轻夫妇与三名孩子共组的二代家庭,便居住在这个闹区里的40年老屋。从事餐饮教育事业的男主人在既有的校园教学之余也在自宅开设私厨,教导邻近社区的妈妈们做料理,团队透过适度的空间设计改造,打造符合现今住商混用需求的私厨教学场域,为老宅重新赋予新生。 Kitchen in style: A feast of vision and taste presented by culinary space Compared to the past, a contemporary pursuit of one's better life had gradually extended from a substantial improvement to a spiritual level. The personal taste, therefore, is reflected in their sensory satisfaction. For example, a brand-new diet experience that is enhanced from visual to gustatory and olfactory stimulation is one of the ways to interpret modern life. Under such a background, a small-format culinary workshop that emphasized details and interactions had been born. This project is located in the Eastern District of Tainan City, the most prosperous downtown area. A young couple and their three children living in the community composed of traditional townhouses, with arbors along the road giving their 40-year-old house a green yet peaceful streetscape. While the male host setting up a private culinary workshop for neighborhood moms beside his catering education career, CHU-Studio was engaged to optimize the layout, bringing a new aspect to the old house. Kitchen in style: A feast of vision and taste presented by culinary space Compared to the past, a contemporary pursuit of one's better life had gradually extended from a substantial improvement to a spiritual level. The personal taste, therefore, is reflected in their sensory satisfaction. For example, a brand-new diet experience that is enhanced from visual to gustatory and olfactory stimulation is one of the ways to interpret modern life. Under such a background, a small-format culinary workshop that emphasized details and interactions had been born. This project is located in the Eastern District of Tainan City, the most prosperous downtown area. A young couple and their three children living in the community composed of traditional townhouses, with arbors along the road giving their 40-year-old house a green yet peaceful streetscape. While the male host setting up a private culinary workshop for neighborhood moms beside his catering education career, CHU-Studio was engaged to optimize the layout, bringing a new aspect to the old house.

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氛围塑造-在狭长平面打造明亮、轻盈的色泽 私厨教室主要包含三种不同的课程类型,包括主打厨师做给你吃的食用课程、主打亲自身手作的学习课程,以及主打亲子共学的家庭轻食课程。基地保有传统旧式街屋面宽窄、纵深长的特色,设计上以大量浅色木质调的素材为主体,搭配白色系的天花与厨具系统柜,为室内整体营造通透、轻盈的质地,并改善狭长型平面先天采光不佳的问题。在原始木料与白墙的搭配中,透过摆置部分鲜黄色烤漆柜体与中岛吧台椅,借此在极简、现代的场域内营造跳跃的灵动感。此外,位于室内中段靠墙的垂直梯间,亦拆除既有的封闭隔间,改以透明玻璃光盒围绕,透光的材质,在保有墙面分隔公共活动与私人住所的区域界定之虞,也能让宽度仅有4米余的长向室内创造明亮、几净的氛围。 Shaping the atmosphere: Brighten the narrow space The base retains a characteristic of traditional which is short on width but long on depth. This layout, however, makes it suffering in poor lighting. A large number of wooden materials in a light tone were implemented against this issue, with white ceilings and kitchen modules installed to create a transparency texture, some bright-yellow-painted cabinets and barstools were also applied to draw a contrasting yet vivid picture in this modern and minimalist space. On the other hand, existing walls around the staircase in the middle of the house were replaced by glass-made partitions, enabling the public and private areas to be separated while keeping the brightness. With all these delicate transformations, the sense of brightness was successfully be ensured within this 4-meter-wide space. Shaping the atmosphere: Brighten the narrow space The base retains a characteristic of traditional which is short on width but long on depth. This layout, however, makes it suffering in poor lighting. A large number of wooden materials in a light tone were implemented against this issue, with white ceilings and kitchen modules installed to create a transparency texture, some bright-yellow-painted cabinets and barstools were also applied to draw a contrasting yet vivid picture in this modern and minimalist space. On the other hand, existing walls around the staircase in the middle of the house were replaced by glass-made partitions, enabling the public and private areas to be separated while keeping the brightness. With all these delicate transformations, the sense of brightness was successfully be ensured within this 4-meter-wide space.

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重构布局-满足多样化使用的弹性配置思维 因应不同课程的空间使用需求,在空间平面布局上,团队也改变传统客厅在前,厨房在后的配置模式,将结合文教机能的厨房移至前端,居家使用的客厅挪至后方,中段与梯间相连的部分则做为用餐区,以便课程能因应不同参与人数与规模大小,弹性调整桌椅排列与课堂空间样态,以满足多样化的授课、用餐、公私运用。开放式设计的空间中,分别于前、中、后三个交流互动的空间界域(网美打卡墙、食材贩售区、厕室空间),以散置的几何造型艺术地砖铺面,及墙面延伸至天花板的一体式木作设计,暗示无形的空间边界,并藉由空间区位调整,让主动线得以由入口一路贯穿至后方厕室,结合以玻璃推拉门重塑的玄关,让开放式设计延伸了室内空间的视野。 Replanning the layout: Being flexible to meet diversified usage The culinary workshop offers three kinds of courses, including the mini master class to experience the dining, the in-depth course that cooking with the chief, and the family workshop to learn with children. In response to those different needed, designers reversed the traditional convention to set the living room behind the multi-functional kitchen and defined the middle sector as the dining area. With this new configuration, space could be flexibly adjusted according to various scenarios, members, and the scale of events to switch between commercial and private usage. Among this open-plan spatial, designers set social spots at the front, middle, and back sectors (which are image wall, ingredient shelf, and lavatory, respectively) as the separation of the sections, and further used random-placed geometric floor tiles and unibody wood-made cabinets to imply the notion of shapeless boundary. Combining the redesigned configuration of sectors and transparent front door; thus, the core traffic flow could be outlined clearly from the entrance all the way to the backside. Replanning the layout: Being flexible to meet diversified usage The culinary workshop offers three kinds of courses, including the mini master class to experience the dining, the in-depth course that cooking with the chief, and the family workshop to learn with children. In response to those different needed, designers reversed the traditional convention to set the living room behind the multi-functional kitchen and defined the middle sector as the dining area. With this new configuration, space could be flexibly adjusted according to various scenarios, members, and the scale of events to switch between commercial and private usage. Among this open-plan spatial, designers set social spots at the front, middle, and back sectors (which are image wall, ingredient shelf, and lavatory, respectively) as the separation of the sections, and further used random-placed geometric floor tiles and unibody wood-made cabinets to imply the notion of shapeless boundary. Combining the redesigned configuration of sectors and transparent front door; thus, the core traffic flow could be outlined clearly from the entrance all the way to the backside.

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