


文化资产新生-威尼斯修道院的空间活化契机 Generation of Cultural Heritage – The Spatial Revitalization Opportunity of Venice Monastery Crociferi修道院位于威尼斯北侧的卡纳雷吉欧区,是具有两百多年历史的古老建筑,近年随着威尼斯在地人口减少,修道院逐渐荒废,建筑物转而租给学校作为学生宿舍与青年旅店之用。在2018年威尼斯建筑双年展举办前夕,几名来自亚洲各地的年轻建筑人,希望能在建筑双年展期间对当代建筑议题响应和发声,因此主动与现时经营Crociferi修道院的校方接洽,于双年展期间将部分修道院的区域租予有关单位办理展览。这是Crociferi修道院第一次允诺对外开放给展示使用,藉由本次展览的举办,原先荒废的区域获得再利用的契机,建筑物在硬体空间与软体运用上,都能与新时代产生链结与对话,也引来了当地媒体Domus和Itsliquid的关注。 As the Crociferi Monastery is located in the Cannaregio district on the northern side of Venice, it is an ancient building of more than 200 years old. And in recent years, with the population of Venice decreasing, the monastery was gradually abandoned, and transferred to a school as a student dormitory and youth hostel. So, on the eve of the 2018 Venice Biennale, several young architects from all over Asia hoped to respond and speak to contemporary architectural issues during the Biennale, so they took the initiative to approach the school regarding renting part of the monastery's areas during the Biennale. Since this was the first time that Crociferi Monastery gave permission for access to external parties, and through this exhibition, the originally abandoned area was re-claimed, which converted the building to be re-connected to the new age, which also gathered the attention of local media, namely Domus and Itsliquid.

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空间回归-废弃场域再利用的设计思考 Return of Space – Design Discourse of the Re-Use of Abandoned Domain 主要的展示空间位于ㄇ字型回廊与环绕的中庭广场,廊道空间过去长期堆满杂物,透过空间清整,老建物的墙体修复工程,基础水电修缮与展示灯光架设,由基础面的介入将旧有空间改建为可供展示的场域。长条形极具轴向性的廊道左侧,以回廊拱圈形构出一个建筑内与外的中介,下方的砖砌平台则让空间界域有了更清晰的界定,坐椅般的高度使之成为一个可供坐卧的休憩区域所在。右侧墙体做为主要展示区域,在不破坏既有架构下,我们运用金属板与纤细的构架形式,订制一个个绵延的展示桌台,轻质的架构与身旁厚重老旧的墙体,形成一强烈的对话,同时也藉由展台的设置强化了古典样式空间内的韵律感与轴向性。 As the main exhibition space was located at the horseshoe-shaped corridor surrounded by an atrium plaza, and the surrounding atrium square, the old space was converted to exhibition area through fundamental changes in renovating utility and lighting setup. As the corridor has become the medium between the exterior and the interior of the building, clearly demarcated by the brick platform, of which the chair height has made it a great place for resting. As the right-hand side wall was to be to main exhibition area, it was treated with metal plate and slim structure to build one display table after another, a dialogue with the neighboring heavy wall, while the display tables reinforced the rhythmic and axis dynamic of such classic space.

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以建筑为题-从大师经典到新锐设计,从旧空间到新建筑的碰撞 Architecture Thematic – The Collision between Old Space and New Architecture, From Classic Masterpiece to Avant-garde Design 在展示内容的设计规划部分,我们回归到本届威尼斯建筑双年展的主题-对于「自由空间」的探索,藉由frEE is more的策展理念,向柯比意、密斯凡德罗等现代主义建筑大师致敬,除邀请当代多元团队的作品参展外,同时亦邀请亚洲新锐建筑团队SLRD,以模型与装置的形式,分别展示社会心理、支援教育与永续环境三种空间概念的具体实践,与各自在工艺性上的操作。藉由一个文化资产建筑空间的重新诠释,加诸予不同维度、向度的空间探讨,让具备历史人文厚度的修道院空间,成为勾勒未来建筑发展愿景的载体。 In terms of the content planning for the exhibition content, it returned to the theme of exploration of Free Space, the theme of the Venice Biennale, and through the curative concept of frEE is more, it paid tribute to the Modernist Architecture Master such as Le Corbusier, and Mies Van Der Rohe, etc., by not just having invited the outstanding works of many contemporary design team to participate, also Asia’s upcoming architecture firm, SLRD, to exhibit the creative realizations in terms of three types of spatial concepts of social-psychology, educational support, and sustainable environment. And through the re-interpretation of a cultural heritage building, by bringing in spatial exploration of new dimensions and vectors, it allowed the historical monastery to be transformed into a carrier articulating the vision of future architecture development.

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