Venizea: seeking the art cultures and tasteful lifestyles. 威尔斯陶瓷-对艺术文化与品味生活的向往 Venizea: seeking the art cultures and tasteful lifestyles. Founded in Forshan City, Venizea is a renowned ceramic company. Traveling to and inspired from Venice, which is the city full of Renaissance cultural spirits, the founder impressed by the abundant artistic heritage and the pursuit of life quality in this city had determined that the efforts attaining the elegant cultural elements as the mission for Venizea. 威尔斯陶瓷(VENIZEA)创立于广东佛山,为业内颇负盛名的全品类陶瓷生产品牌。威尔斯在创立之初,曾远赴义大利威尼斯取经,这座极富悠久历史,深受文艺复兴精神洗礼的水都,除了厚植的艺术底蕴呈现在城市布局、建筑式样等外显的因子外,普罗百姓对知识的渴望与生活品质的追求,无形中也散发在城市的每个角落。这些具备深厚文化肌理的元素,成为威尔斯陶瓷在发展过程中不断探求的目标,一个品牌初衷的原点。
Conforming to the trend: the modern technological and digital applications. 接轨当代-科技、数位之运用与体验 In addition to advocating the importance of craftsmanship, Venizea concerns about the aspirations for trend adaptation, of which a number of digital interactive devices and screens, AR/VR exhibition, etc. reconnect users and products by means of the 3-D technology. Furthermore, the elevator halls ornamented with the stone sculptures and interactive buttons skillfully obscure the regulated design rules. 在追本溯源之余,威尔斯亦追求继往开来。除了重视艺术工艺性之外,亦强调企业与当代接轨的技术与企图。我们藉由置入数位多媒体互动装置,大面互动屏幕、AR/VR体验的产品操作台等数位媒材,透过数位互动的方式,重新建立使用者与产品端新的横向链结,从过去二维介面的关注转换为对于三维体验的重视。再者,过往强调机能性的电梯厅,亦以艺术表现的手法,原石雕塑结合互动按钮创造一个如同艺术展厅般的时空入口,模糊了定义空间的绝对性。
VENIZEA HQ现代办公空间设计设计案例共包含7张设计素材(高清原图),属于建筑设计设计案例,本案例素材热度88。