
B-spot - Bike Hanger


B-SPOT - 2018 - 与 Ventura Lab Studio 合作开发。 我们正在经历一个变革的时代,一个寻找替代品的时代。运输的新趋势,为家庭。我们生活在越来越小的空间里,时间越来越短。我们使用替代交通工具,无论是工作还是休闲。我们一直在运动。拥有更少的物品,但拥有更多的可能性。为了遵循这种生活方式,我们需要能够满足我们日常需求的物品。 我们正在经历变革的时刻,寻找替代方案。交通新趋势,为家庭服务。我们住在更小的空间里,时间更短。我们使用替代交通工具,无论是工作还是娱乐。我们一直在运动。拥有更少的物品,但拥有更多的可能性。为了遵循这种生活方式,我们需要符合我们需求的物品。 在这种情况下,B-Spot 支持旨在促进对象的访问和组织,从房屋钥匙到自行车。该支架由家具行业重复使用的实木和带有环氧树脂涂料的钢板制成,提供了多种使用可能性,并且对环境的干扰最小。 我们正在经历变革的时刻,寻找替代方案。交通新趋势,为家庭服务。我们住在更小的空间里,时间更短。我们使用替代交通工具,无论是工作还是娱乐。我们一直在运动。拥有更少的物品,但拥有更多的可能性。为了遵循这种生活方式,我们需要符合我们需求的物品。 在这种情况下,B-Spot 支架旨在更容易地访问和整理物品,从房门钥匙到自行车。它由实木和钢板制成,提供了多种使用可能性,并且对环境的干扰最小。

B-SPOT - 2018 - Developed in partner with Ventura Lab Studio. Passamos por um momento de mudanças, de busca por alternativas。
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B-SPOT - 2018 - Developed in partner with Ventura Lab Studio. Passamos por um momento de mudanças, de busca por alternativas. Novas tendências para o transporte, para a casa. Vivemos em espaços cada vez menores, por menos tempo. Usamos meios de transportes alternativos, seja para trabalho ou lazer. Estamos em constante movimento. Com menos pertences, porém com mais possibilidades. E para seguir esse estilo de vida, precisamos de objetos que acompanhem nossas necessidades diárias. We are going through a moment of change, searching for alternatives. New trends for transportation, for the home. We live in smaller spaces for less time. We use alternative means of transport, whether for work or pleasure. We are in constant motion. With less belongings, but with more possibilities. And to follow this lifestyle, we need objects that accompany our needs. Nesse cenário, o suporte B-Spot foi pensado para facilitar o acesso e a organização de objetos, desde as chaves de casa até a bicicleta. Feito em madeira maciça proveniente do reaproveitamento da indústria moveleira e chapa de aço com pintura epóxi, o suporte oferece diversas possibilidades de uso com o mínimo de interferência no ambiente. We are going through a moment of change, searching for alternatives. New trends for transportation, for the home. We live in smaller spaces for less time. We use alternative means of transport, whether for work or pleasure. We are in constant motion. With less belongings, but with more possibilities. And to follow this lifestyle, we need objects that accompany our needs. In this scenario, the B-Spot stand is designed to make it easier to access and organize objects, from house keys to a bicycle. Made of solid wood and sheet steel, it offers several possibilities for use with minimal interference in the environment.

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B-spot - Bike Hanger设计案例共包含8张设计素材(高清原图),属于产品设计设计案例,本案例素材热度88。