RB Pharma Offices - Lisbon
Trefilia Capital Offices - San Pedro Garza García
Eidos-Montréal 办公室 - 蒙特利尔
Cerebra CPAs & Advisors Offices - Istanbul
Interstate Hotel & Resorts Offices - Arlington
马德里Oquendo Capital办公室设计
Mills and Reeve LLP Offices - Birmingham
墨西哥城Russell Reynolds办公室设计
Marvin Windows and Doors Offices - Eagan
Zan Group Office - Herzliya
Nomura Research Institute Offices - Gurgaon
以色列Bnei Brak的AYR律师事务所新办公室设计
Coca-Cola Office Commons - Madrid
AvePoint Offices - Richmond
Orangebox Smartworking 办公室与展示厅 - 迪拜
Master and So What Offices - Curitiba
伊斯坦布尔的Spyke Games办公室设计
TENTiE Offices - Nagoya
现代办公空间设计:以色列特拉维夫的Orca AI办公室
Philips Healthcare 办公室 - 曼谷
Unity Offices - Copenhagen
Disguise Offices - Los Angeles
NARI办公室 - 轮回
Ubisoft Offices - Düsseldorf
Nestlé R&D Center Offices - Gurugram
HEU & Co. Law Offices - Tel Aviv
Süddeutsche Zeitungs Verlag Offices - Munich
Lambsrock Offices - Bangalore办公空间设计
Williams Lea Tag Offices - London
Coca-Cola Amatil悉尼办公室改造
Unilever Knorr & Lipton Factory Offices - Istanbul
Flux Coworking Offices - Perth
Studio 5B Offices - Mumbai
CCC Shoes and Bags Warsaw 办公室设计
Office Twelve Headquarters - Leicester
My Food Bag Offices - Auckland
Teach for America Offices - Atlanta
哥伦比亚波哥大Las Galias办公室设计
Gorilla Glue总部办公设计
Pipefy Offices - Curitiba
Shieff Angland Offices - Auckland
BBO Offices - Helsinki
BNZ 80 Queen Street Offices - Auckland
Mid Europa Partners Offices - Warsaw
SmithGroup Offices - Detroit
Flexera Offices - Warrington
MadiLancos Studio Offices - Budapest
伊斯坦布尔的Han Spaces共享办公空间
现代办公空间设计:Neuca Offices - Toruń
Bernard Interiors Offices - Newcastle
GAON Group Offices - Or Yehuda
Genetec总部办公设计 - 蒙特利尔
Coca-Cola 办公室 - 布宜诺斯艾利斯