Headspace Offices - Santa Monica
Goomo Offices - Singapore
E. & J. Gallo Winery Dry Creek Building - Modesto
Crawford Hoying Offices - Dublin
Camomile Court Spec Suites - London
全球医疗科技公司办公室 - 安多弗
Yareal Offices - Warsaw
Well Group Offices - Xi'an
INC Architecture & Design Offices - New York City
Broadspectrum 办公室 - 奥克兰
Brefni Offices - Sydney
Riverbed Technology Offices - Bethesda
Forrester Offices - Singapore
Sanford Heisler Sharp Offices - Washington DC
Sports Direct International Offices - London
Cardno APAC Offices - Brisbane
TKSTYLE Offices - Jiaxing
NautaDutilh Offices - Rotterdam
Alchemy Construct Offices - Melbourne
A.I. Solutions Offices - Bangalore
ZipRecruiter 办公室 - 特拉维夫
Gowling WLG 办公室 - 蒙特利尔
Square Enix伦敦办公室设计
Esrawe Studio Offices - Mexico City
丹佛消防局联邦信用合作社办公室 - 丹佛
Knight Frank Offices - Singapore
Spore Offices - Bangkok
Hensel Phelps Offices - McLean
Anomaly Offices - London
Indeed Offices - Scottsdale
Advantech Aircon Systems Offices - Gujarat
以色列海法Jabil Optics办公室设计
DPlus Intertrade Offices - Bangkok
2U Offices - Cape Town 办公室设计
Mediabrands Offices - Toronto
Perdigital.com 办公室 - 伊斯坦布尔
Sodexo Offices - Montreal
Toyota Research Institute Offices - Los Altos
办公设计:Hanley Wood Offices - Washington DC
Hodgson Russ Offices - New York City
BMW Bank Italia and Alphabet Italia Offices - Milan
Private Client Offices - Pune
BE Meliorism Offices - Dubai
PwC Offices - Birmingham
PT Bank Mandiri Offices - Jakarta
PwC Experience Center Offices - Rome
Recordati Offices - Istanbul
PwC Experience Center Offices - Paris
Navent 办公室 - 布宜诺斯艾利斯
Element Plus Showroom - Shanghai
Meraki Architecture Offices - Pune
IVC Group Offices - Waregem