Schneider Electric Offices - İzmir办公空间设计
Wild & Wolf 办公室 - 巴斯
e-Novia Offices - Milan
CO Creative Agency Offices - Istanbul
myWorld 360 Innovation Lab Offices - Graz
Morgan McKinley Offices - Sydney
Earnix Offices - Tel Aviv
Simon-Kucher & Partners Offices - Amsterdam
Accuracy Offices - Paris
DCT Trading Offices - Istanbul
SPACES Coworking Offices - Lisbon
The Bouqs Co. Offices - Los Angeles
Sayer Jones Offices - Melbourne
Monera Yayinlari Offices - Istanbul
Bakken & Bæck 办公室 - 奥斯陆
Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance Offices - Geneva
蒙特利尔Stikeman Elliott律师事务所办公室设计
Trenco Tropigas - Panama City 办公室设计
墨尔本Vision Australia办公室办公设计
Instructure Offices - Salt Lake City
Casper Offices - New York City
办公设计:荷兰海牙的Porting XS办公室
旧金山Index Ventures办公室设计
巴塞罗那的Notaria Requena办公室设计
King & Wood Mallesons 办公室 - 深圳
Netsmart Offices - Istanbul
Grupo Patio Offices - Santiago
马德里Tresmares Capital办公室设计
Dr. Martens伦敦办公室设计
Santander Offices - Stockholm
what3words Offices - London
CitNOW Offices - Stirling办公空间设计
Nomura Research Institute Offices Phase 2 - Gurgaon
Accenture Offices - Kuala Lumpur
Data Strategy Offices - Grand Rapids
Riksbyggen Offices - Västerås
现代办公空间设计:Financial Partners Credit Union Offices - Costa Mesa
KEF Holdings 办公室 - 迪拜
Elastic Offices - Amsterdam
Simmons & Simmons 办公室设计 - 阿姆斯特丹 Offices - Tourcoing
Deloitte Offices - Bangalore
曼彻斯特的Regatta Offices办公设计
Slayton Search Partners芝加哥办公室设计
AQuest Offices - Verona
Seferin Arquitetura 办公室 - 波尔图阿雷格里
Elior Offices - Charlotte
Milliman Offices - San Francisco 办公室设计
ThoughtWorks 办公室 - 约翰内斯堡
Kpler Offices - Le Sentier
宾夕法尼亚州韦恩的Corporate Interiors WorkLife Studio办公室设计
Vertex总部办公设计 - 宾夕法尼亚州金普敦
United Therapeutics Corporation Offices - Silver Spring