Arnold & Porter Offices - Washington DC
Zurich North America Offices - Schaumburg办公设计案例
Sodexo Offices - Montreal
Esrawe Studio Offices - Mexico City
Kai Hua Group Central Tower - Guangzhou 办公室设计
ALD Automotive Offices - Athens
Fora 22 Berners Street Coworking Offices - London
Celsius Offices - Tel Aviv
GAMA Healthcare Offices - Hemel Hempstead
Adval Brand Group Offices - Singapore
New Work SE Offices - Hamburg
Medibank总部 - 墨尔本
斯德哥尔摩Online Voices办公室设计
The Seed Room Coworking Office - Marbella
Axilis Offices - Zagreb
Wilson Associates Offices - Singapore
Social Discovery Ventures / OraculeTang Space Coworking Offices - Riga
FCBCURE 办公室 - 帕西帕尼
hasan & co. 办公室 - 赫尔辛基
Loeffler Randall纽约办公室与展示厅设计
Bernard Interiors Offices - Newcastle
巴黎Le Pot Commun办公室设计
伊斯坦布尔的Arvato Bertelsmann办公室设计
2U Offices - Cape Town 办公室设计
Bairong Offices - Beijing
EY Offices - Budapest
办公设计:特拉维夫的Shortcut Playground办公室
多伦多The Remix Project办公室设计
AON以色列办公室 - 拉马特甘
MGS Group Offices - Viseu
The Martin Group Offices - Buffalo
Zoom Offices - Santa Barbara
设计工厂办公室 - 波尔图
Neon Roots Offices - West Hollywood
RB Pharma Offices - Lisbon
Bouygues Immobilier Offices - Issy-Les-Moulineaux
Corazon Filmes Office - São Paulo
Jimdo Offices - Hamburg 办公室设计
Taramelli Offices - Lombardy
Moore Design Offices - Paris
Ultimate Software Offices - San Francisco
伦敦Pink Squid办公室设计
蒙特利尔Desjardins Bherer办公室设计
Texco Offices - Melbourne
Wodify Offices - Lisbon
Matraka Offices - Mexico City
WeddingNama Offices - Mumbai
Boch & Fernsh 办公室 - 孟买
The Max Barney Estate Offices - London
Alchemy Construct Offices - Melbourne
Ogilvy Offices - Warsaw
Sterlite Power Offices - Mumbai
Disguise Offices - Los Angeles
Williams Lea Tag Offices - London