NIKA Offices - Rockville
Marriott全球销售办公室和客户服务中心 - 犹他州米德韦尔
Conclusion Offices - Heerlen
Waystar Offices - Chicago
Impact Working Offices - Bristol
Shift Workspaces - Littleton 办公空间设计
Riverbed Technology Offices - Cluj-Napoca
Hensel Phelps Offices - McLean
Sorpol Logistic Center Offices - Ashdod
Choice Hotels International Headquarters - Rockville办公空间设计
Sperlari Offices - Milan
Knowhere Coworking Space - Alicante
巴黎Le Pot Commun办公室设计
Accuracy Offices - Montreal
Zendesk Offices - Melbourne
Maya HTT Offices - Montreal
BDO Offices - Melbourne
RegioBank Offices - Solothurn办公设计
Toyota Research Institute Offices - Los Altos
阿姆斯特丹Evers Soerjatin律师事务所办公设计
Nomura Research Institute Offices Phase 2 - Gurgaon Offices - Tourcoing
KOHLMAN Offices - Cieplewo
Gorilla Glue总部办公设计
Invest Construction Offices - Istanbul
DCT Trading Offices - Istanbul
Kavak Hub Offices - Buenos Aires
Alchemy Construct Offices - Melbourne
RI Offices - Saddle Brook: 现代办公空间设计案例
King Home Appliances Offices And Showroom - Istanbul
Marriott International Offices - Gurugram
PEXA Offices - Melbourne
AT Kearney Offices - Istanbul
Deloitte Offices - Bangalore
都柏林哈考特街的Office Suites Club共享办公空间
Vodafone Istanbul Office - 办公空间设计
Moores Lawyers Offices - Melbourne
Palo Alto Networks 办公室 - 特拉维夫
Oktra South Offices - Guildford办公空间设计
Guildford Business Park - 办公室设计案例
Lemay Offices - Montreal
Ruffer Offices - London
Bouygues Immobilier Offices - Issy-Les-Moulineaux
Infosys Consulting Offices - Târgu Mureș
Cleary Gottlieb Law Offices - Brussels办公设计
Döhler Offices - Istanbul
Colu Offices - Tel Aviv
LinkedIn 办公室 - 马德里
Saatchi & Saatchi纽约办公室设计
Flight Centre Offices - Toronto
The Institute Group Offices - Chippendale
Prolific Interactive Offices - New York City
Texco Offices - Melbourne