Ogilvy Offices - Warsaw
Informa Offices - Toronto办公设计
BSK Architects Stockholm Office Design
WME-IMG 办公室 - 墨尔本
墨尔本Vision Australia办公室办公设计
Mixpace Coworking Offices - Shanghai
Euroclass Design & Build Offices - Auckland
Wellworth Coworking Offices - Minneapolis
ADT Workplace 打造的曼彻斯特互动投资者办公室
Barry Callebaut Offices - Zurich
Bairong Offices - Beijing
Mitie Offices - London
Texco Offices - Melbourne
Transurban Offices - Tysons Corner
Sunac Sales Center Offices - Yinchuan
ECommPay Offices - Riga
BVIntersell Offices - Naarden
CBS Studios International Offices - Amsterdam
AmorePacific F21 Offices - Seoul
Lion Offices - Auckland
BlackLine 办公室 - 洛杉矶
华沙的Jacobs Dowue Egberts办公室设计
Y Offer Offices - Tel Aviv
The Max Barney Estate Offices - London
Capital Economics Offices - London
曼彻斯特Huckletree Ancoats共享办公空间设计
Artjail Offices - Toronto
Modelon Offices - Ann Arbor办公空间设计
Rönesans Holding Istanbul行政楼层办公室设计
The Vine Coworking Offices - Irvine
哥伦比亚波哥大Las Galias办公室设计
Société Générale Offices - Belgrade
办公设计:芝加哥Allsteel & Gunlocke展示厅的WELL建筑标准实践
荷兰乌得勒支的Life Office办公设计
伦敦Silvergate Media办公室设计
Intertech Offices - Istanbul
Marquis广告公司办公室 - 浦那
Designco Offices - Moradabad
Nowy Styl Office Inspiration Centre - Krakow
Gorilla Glue总部办公设计
Pernod Ricard悉尼办公室:现代办公设计的典范
银蕨农场办公室 - 达尼丁
Fjord Offices - Helsinki
PIDC Offices - Philadelphia
Mercadona Offices - Valencia
Alegre Advocats Offices - Barcelona
Yareal Offices - Warsaw
墨尔本Corrs Chambers Westgarth办公室设计
Paras Buildtech Offices - Gurugram
Genetec总部办公设计 - 蒙特利尔
Maya HTT Offices - Montreal
Coldwell Banker Caine - Greenville 办公室设计
Amvest Offices - Amsterdam
i2C Architects Offices - Melbourne
丹佛消防局联邦信用合作社办公室 - 丹佛