阿布扎比Aldar Properties办公室的办公设计
Cam-Saş Offices - Antalya
2U Offices - Cape Town 办公室设计
MAE (Mercado Abierto Electrónico) 办公室 - 布宜诺斯艾利斯
HomeAway Offices - Singapore
Solo Arquitetos Offices - Curitiba
Basix总部 - 特拉维夫
Sipcam Iberia Offices - Valencia
Endava Offices - Buenos Aires
Fora 251 Southwark Bridge Road Coworking Offices - London
Kavacık Trade Center - Istanbul 办公室设计
Radius Payment Solutions Offices - Crewe
Marquis广告公司办公室 - 浦那
Coca-Cola Offices - Istanbul
Esrawe Studio Offices - Mexico City
Valuar Offices - Buenos Aires
Genesis Motor UK Offices - Maidenhead
Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts Offices - London
Orsted 办公室 - 吉隆坡
King / Z2 Offices - Seattle
Greenwood Roche Offices - Wellington
Fora 22 Berners Street Coworking Offices - London
Agoda 办公室 - 吉隆坡
Richards Buell Sutton Offices - Vancouver
Verspieren Offices - Paris
Nippon Offices - New York City
The Trade Desk Offices - Chicago
Zan Group Office - Herzliya
Knowhere Coworking Space - Alicante
Toyota Research Institute Offices - Los Altos
Primagaz and SHV Energy Group Offices - Lyon
36 Group Offices - London
阿姆斯特丹Lunatech Labs办公室设计
SunLife Offices - Bristol
Riverbed Technology Offices - Bethesda
Nowy Styl Office - Krakow
Booking.com Offices - Tourcoing
Click Logiq 办公室 - 特拉维夫
Gattaca Offices - London
Woodco Offices - Trento
The Seed Room Coworking Office - Marbella
IA Realty Group Offices - New York City
Artlist Offices - Tel Aviv
Overwolf Offices - Ramat Gan
米兰的Led Taxand办公室
Takeda Pharmaceuticals Offices II - Cambridge
Yelp Offices Expansion - New York City
Remedy Partners 办公室 - Norwalk
Belatrix Offices - Mendoza
RS Components Offices - Milan
东京Showcase Gig办公室设计
AT Kearney Offices - Istanbul
Instructure Offices - Salt Lake City