Artdesk Group Offices - Paris
Entract 127 Coworking Offices - Sofia
伊斯坦布尔的Han Spaces共享办公空间
The Urban Electric Co. 办公室 - 查尔斯顿
Coca-Cola 办公室 - 布宜诺斯艾利斯
Wasserman Media Group Offices - Toronto
Kofein d.o.o. Offices - Zagreb
Belatrix Offices - Mendoza
Publicis Health Offices - Philadelphia
Scottish Pacific Business Finance Offices - Sydney
New Work SE Offices - Hamburg
Ubisoft Offices - Düsseldorf
Origen Financial Services Offices - Farnborough
Infosys Consulting Offices - Târgu Mureș
Fora 22 Berners Street Coworking Offices - London
Nestlé R&D Center Offices - Gurugram
Calibre Group Limited Offices - Brisbane
HubSpot EMEA总部 - 都柏林
Flux Coworking Offices - Perth
My Food Bag Offices - Auckland
Shieff Angland Offices - Auckland
马德里Tresmares Capital办公室设计
Zebra Technologies米兰办公室设计
2U Offices - Cape Town 办公室设计
Slayton Search Partners芝加哥办公室设计
Hitachi Rail Europe伦敦办公室设计
TytoCare Offices - Netanya
Font Salem Offices - Valencia
EY Offices - Budapest
e45 Offices - Milan
Publicis Offices - Shanghai
ACL Services Offices - Vancouver
Mango Films Offices - Guadalajara
Muse Developments Offices - Salford
DSGV Offices - Berlin
N11 Offices - Istanbul
Forrester Offices - Singapore
AmorePacific F21 Offices - Seoul
Tre Headquarters - Stockholm
United Co. Coworking Offices - Melbourne
GLAS Agency Offices - London
Nowy Styl Office - Krakow
Mission Federal Credit Union Offices - San Diego
Deloitte Offices - Lisbon
Davidov Architects Studio Offices - Melbourne
infiBond Offices - Tel Aviv
Thungela Offices - Johannesburg
Gensler Offices - Raleigh
InteriorWorks Offices - Amsterdam
Capital One伦敦办公室:现代敏捷工作空间
BMW Bank Italia and Alphabet Italia Offices - Milan
Jerde Offices - Los Angeles
IVC Group Offices - Waregem
Hermes Offices - Leeds
NEW Netz Offices - Mönchengladbach