Goomo Offices - Singapore
Overwolf Offices - Ramat Gan
EQT Offices - Stockholm
以色列海法Jabil Optics办公室设计
Electreon Wireless Offices - Beit Yanai
Knight Frank Offices - Singapore
SbTech Offices - Plovdiv
The Raben Group - Washington D.C. 办公室设计
ID21 Offices - Singapore
Traffik Offices - Irvine
Rex Show Agency Offices - São Paulo
Halma Offices - Amersham 办公室设计
Marvin Windows and Doors Offices - Eagan
Thomson Snell & Passmore Offices - Royal Tunbridge Wells
The Apparel Company Offices - Chennai
King & Wood Mallesons 办公室 - 深圳
Eltes Co., Ltd Offices - Tokyo
曼彻斯特的The Hut Group办公室设计
Anteus Constructora Offices - Zapopan
Accuracy Offices - Montreal
Cathay Pacific Offices - London
Netsmart Offices - Istanbul
Port Jackson Partners Offices - Sydney
Patreon Offices - San Francisco
Palo Alto Networks 办公室 - 特拉维夫
Bristol-Myers Squibb Santiago 办公室设计
旧金山General Catalyst办公室设计
STRABAG Real Estate Offices - Warsaw
GAON Group Offices - Or Yehuda
Gattaca Offices - London
Acura Group Offices - Adelaide
Elior Offices - Charlotte
Xactly Offices - Denver办公设计
e-Novia Offices - Milan
Olikka Offices - Melbourne
MOO Offices - Boston
King / Z2 Offices - Seattle
Pixelmatters 办公室设计 - 波尔图
Aurora Headquarters - Mountain View
Sorpol Logistic Center Offices - Ashdod
Forrester Offices - Singapore
Planisware Offices - Munich
Uber Offices - Stockholm
CMC电信办公室 - 河内
Kraemer Design Group Offices - Detroit
Javelin Offices - London
TBSCG Offices - Wrocław
Amobee Offices - Sydney
PwC Experience Center Offices - Rome
AstraZeneca Offices - Macclesfield
C INSPIRE 办公室 - 曼谷
智利圣地亚哥Guante & Gacel鞋业办公室设计
Chubb Offices - Hanoi