Hermes Offices - Leeds
Sports Direct International Offices - London
Studio Katra: 探索设计的多感官魅力
现代家具设计:M+R OVER 10.000 PROJECT LIKES on Behance site M+R
Auerbach Halevy Architects Offices - Lod
545wyn办公大楼 - 迈阿密
华沙的SYZYGY和Ars Thanea办公室设计
Crocs Offices - Broomfield 办公室设计
Finablr Offices - London
HofmanDujardin Offices - Amsterdam
Capital One伦敦办公室:现代敏捷工作空间
Wodify Offices - Lisbon
Nowy Styl Office Inspiration Centre - Krakow
mode:lina Offices - Poznań
MyDreamPlus Hongqiao Zhongjun Plaza Coworking Offices - Shanghai
Element Plus Showroom - Shanghai
AT Kearney Offices - Istanbul
IVC Group Offices - Waregem
ClarkeHopkinsClarke Architects Offices - Melbourne
Rosefinch Investment Offices - Shanghai
BMW Bank Italia and Alphabet Italia Offices - Milan
Neri&Hu and Design Republic Offices - Shanghai
i2C Architects Offices - Melbourne
Social Discovery Ventures / OraculeTang Space Coworking Offices - Riga
PwC Offices - Basel
Aker BP Offices - Stavanger 办公室设计
AD Architecture Offices - Shantou
NOVIEMBRE — Breuer产品设计