HarperCollins Publishers Offices - Toronto办公设计
Health&Happiness Group Offices - Milan
Nowy Styl Office - Krakow
Oceana Offices - Washington DC
Deloitte Offices - Lisbon
Cisco Meraki Office Expansion - San Francisco
infiBond Offices - Tel Aviv
LoyaltyOne Offices - Toronto办公设计
Microsoft Envisioning Center Innovation Lab - Redmond
Ampersand Coworking Offices - Bnei Brak
Permira Offices - Menlo Park
Fox Rothschild Offices - Miami
BMW Bank Italia and Alphabet Italia Offices - Milan
545wyn办公大楼 - 迈阿密
首尔汉华资产办公室 - 办公室设计案例
Takeda Offices - Buenos Aires
Liberty Latin America Offices - Panama City
Red Bull Warsaw Office Design
Pernod Ricard总部办公设计
CHEP Polska Offices - Warsaw
Wellio Montmartre Coworking Offices - Paris
Amvest Offices - Amsterdam
Rocky Mountaineer Offices - Vancouver
办公设计:Hanley Wood Offices - Washington DC
Confidential Client Offices - Indianapolis
Hodgson Russ Offices - New York City
Capital One伦敦办公室:现代敏捷工作空间
51 Credit Card Offices - Hangzhou
BCCI Construction Company Offices - San Francisco
Gartner Offices - Gurugram 办公空间设计
Sons of Norway Offices - Minneapolis
Whitney Architects Offices - Chicago
Smith+Nephew 办公室 - 匹兹堡
Riverbed Technology Offices - Cluj-Napoca
ING Tech Offices - Warsaw
PwC Experience Center Offices - Paris
迪拜Emirates National Investment Offices办公空间设计
Social Discovery Ventures / OraculeTang Space Coworking Offices - Riga
PwC Offices - Basel
RegioBank Offices - Solothurn办公设计
Navent 办公室 - 布宜诺斯艾利斯
STRABAG Real Estate Offices - Warsaw
NordEst Arquitectura Offices - Palau-sator
neXenio Offices - Berlin
ING Offices - Amsterdam
Meraki Architecture Offices - Pune
Radiology Partners Offices - El Segundo 办公室设计